October 5, 2024

Slipped Disc Singapore: Can it Fix Itself?

Slipped Disc

A slipped disc is medically known as disc herniation. It is a condition that occurs as a result of soft tissue cushion protruding between spinal bones.

This may cause potential nerve compression and subsequent pain. Slipped disk is usually a result of disk degeneration, a gradual wear and tear as we age.

Aging leads to decreased flexibility in spinal discs which makes them susceptible to tearing or rupturing even from minor strains or twists. The pain due to slipped disc is a result of the displaced disc material irritating nearby nerves. Read more on this page: https://chouneurosurgery.com/condition/slipped-disc-and-sciatica/.

On this page, we will answer the old-age question; can a slipped disc fix itself? We will also explain how to know if you have slipped disc among other basics. Keep reading!

Can a Slipped Disc Heal Itself?

The pain due to a slipped disc can disrupt your day-to-day activities. So you may wonder, can a slipped disc heal on itself? Here’s a good answer;

A slipped disc can improve on its own within several weeks to a few months as the body naturally resolves the herniated portion, easing pressure on affected nerves. Enzymes released by the body contribute to clearing the herniated material. So yes, a slipped disc may heal itself.

Keep this in mind though; if the pain significantly disrupts daily life, your best bet is to seek medical guidance. You may want to consult a primary care doctor or a physiatrist who specializes in rehabilitation.

Upon diagnosing a herniated disc, your doctor may recommend physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen to manage pain and reduce swelling. If these methods prove insufficient, a steroid injection targeting the affected spine area may be recommended to alleviate nerve inflammation and facilitate the body’s natural healing process for the slipped disc.

In severe cases where pain persists and affects sleep or regular activities, surgical intervention might be considered. However, surgery is typically considered as a last resort when conservative treatments fail to provide relief. You should see a doctor for slipped disc if;

  • You’re having a Persistent and Severe Pain: Persistent and intense back pain that doesn’t improve with rest or over-the-counter pain medications is not natural. It could be suggestive of a slipped disc. That said, make a point of seeing a doctor who specializes in the treatment of slipped disc in Singapore for proper medical care. Do this if the pain is severe, interfering with daily activities, or if it comes with numbness or tingling in the limbs. A neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery is the specialist you will want to see for thorough assessment and tailored treatment for slipped disc in Singapore.
  • Radiating Pain or Numbness: Pain, tingling, or numbness that radiates down your arms, into your legs, or around the chest area can signify nerve compression due to a slipped disc. This radiating pain often follows the path of the affected nerve. It demands for specialized medical evaluation to keep potential complications at bay.
  • Weakness or Difficulty Walking: This symptom is very easy to miss. Weakness in the legs or difficulty walking can occur if a slipped disc compresses nerves that control motor function. So, it would be best to consult with a doctor if you experience a loss of strength or coordination in your limbs. This is particularly important if it affects your ability to walk or stand.
  • Bowel or Bladder Dysfunction: Loss of control over bowel or bladder function can be a sign of a severe slipped disc or cauda equina syndrome. For your information, this is a rare but serious condition that demands for immediate medical intervention. If you experience difficulty urinating or controlling bowel movements along with back pain or numbness, you could be dealing with a serious issue of slipped disc. Seek urgent medical care for an proper assessment and tailored treatment plan.
  • Worsening Symptoms: The symptoms that come with slipped disc should improve with conservative treatments and rest. So, if you have symptoms that only seem to worsen over time or fail to improve with rest or conservative treatments like physical therapy or pain medications, consult a neurologist. Persistent worsening pain, especially when combined with neurological symptoms, requires prompt evaluation.
  • Limited Range of Motion or Stiffness: A slipped disc may also cause stiffness or limit your ability to bend or twist your back. If you notice a significant decrease in your range of motion accompanied by pain or discomfort, consider seeking medical advice for proper assessment and management.
  • History of Back Problems or Injuries: You may have a higher risk of developing a slipped disc if you have a history of back issues or previous spinal injuries. With that in mind, if you have a known history of spinal conditions and experience new or worsening symptoms, it’s advisable to consult a doctor. They will carefully assess the situation and prevent potential complications.

How do you know if you have a Slipped Disc?

To begin with, if you have a slipped disc, the pain may get worse during certain activities or moments such as standing or sitting, at night, when coughing, sneezing, or laughing, and when bending backward or walking longer distances. Here are three more potential indicators that it could be time to see your doctor for slipped disc in Singapore;

  • Localized Pain: Often experienced on one side of the body, particularly in the lower back region, a slipped disc may cause intense, localized pain. This pain might be persistent and worsen during certain movements or postures, like bending backward, standing, or sitting for extended periods.
  • Radiating Pain and Numbness: This is one of the key indicators for a slipped disc. It involves sharp pain that shoots down one leg, hip, or buttocks, commonly known as sciatica. This discomfort can be accompanied by numbness or tingling sensations in other areas like the calf, foot, or toes. Weakness in the affected leg might also be noticed, indicating nerve compression due to the slipped disc.
  • Neck and Upper Body Pain: When a slipped disc occurs in the cervical spine (neck region), it might cause pain while moving the neck or discomfort near the shoulder blade. Pain may radiate to the upper arm, forearm, and fingers, accompanied by numbness or tingling sensations along these areas.

It is a Wrap!

A slipped disc may fix itself but there is no guarantee that your condition will get better without professional assessment and management. If you’ve been diagnosed with or think that you have a case of a slipped disc that is just not improving or is only getting worse, seek immediate medical care.

In the hands of the specialist, you can get an accurate diagnosis and be put on a tailored treatment program. To schedule an appointment with a neurosurgeon that can help with slipped disc treatment in Singapore, we recommend an appointment with the Chou Neuroscience Clinic. To schedule your appointment you can call or visit the clinic at;

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