February 10, 2025

Recurring Pregnancy Loss: Causes and Treatment Options

Pregnancy Loss
Pregnancy Loss

Fertility doctors diagnose recurrent pregnancy loss when you experience at least two miscarriages. Pregnancy loss has many causes, including chromosomal abnormalities, uterine issues, lifestyle factors, and unexplained causes. If you’re diagnosed with recurrent pregnancy loss or experience IVF failure, seek a specialist before attempting to get pregnant again. Here’s more information about the causes and treatment options for recurrent pregnancy loss:

Causes of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Uterine abnormalities are among the most common causes of recurrent pregnancy loss and IVF failure. Examples of uterine abnormalities include uterine septum, fibroids, adhesions, polyps, and retained pregnancy tissue. A separate uterus is another uterine abnormality that can cause recurrent pregnancy loss. This condition occurs when a wall of dividing tissues forms in the uterine cavity. Poor blood supply to the fetus and inflammation in the uterus may also contribute to pregnancy loss.

Some women are born with uterine irregularities, while others develop these issues over time. Cervical insufficiency, thyroid and genetic conditions, diabetes, infections, endometriosis, endometritis, and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome are also linked to recurring pregnancy loss. Chromosomal abnormalities stemming from age-related decline in egg and sperm quality can also lead to a miscarriage. Other causes of recurring pregnancy loss include blood clotting in the placenta, obesity, and lifestyle factors like smoking. While most recurring miscarriages are often diagnosable, some cases are unexplained.

Treatment Options for Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

The treatment option your fertility doctor will recommend depends on the diagnosed cause of the pregnancy loss. If the reason is a uterine abnormality like retained tissue, treatment options may include a hysteroscopy to remove the tissue. Doctors perform transabdominal cervical cerclage surgery for cervical insufficiency. Chromosomal abnormalities can be treated using donor sperm and eggs in combination with intra-uterine insemination or in-vitro fertilization. If the issue is excessive blood clotting or antiphospholipid syndrome, treatments may include blood-thinning medication and immunological treatments.

Unexplainable causes of recurring pregnancy loss require ongoing monitoring, pregnancy medication, and tests like BCL-6. A positive result from a BCL-6 is a high indicator of endometriosis, which can remain undetected for many years. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissues that normally grow in the uterus during menses grow elsewhere. These tissues can cause inflammation and block the sperm from meeting the egg. If endometriosis is the cause of your pregnancy loss, the doctor can schedule a laparoscopic hysterectomy to remove the abnormal tissues. Quitting smoking and healthy weight loss is also beneficial if your miscarriages stem from obesity and unhealthy smoking habits.

Ways To Prevent Future Pregnancy Losses

Miscarriages can occur in between successful births. If you’ve been diagnosed with recurring pregnancy loss and conceived a child, you may still experience a miscarriage in the future. Fertility doctors have various treatment plans to help prevent future pregnancy loss. The treatment option depends on the underlying cause and personal circumstances and preferences. Surgery is one treatment option for fibroids, uterine septum, retained pregnancy tissue in the uterus, and cervical insufficiency. If the issue is diabetes or hormonal issues like high levels of prolactin, your doctor may refer you to an endocrinologist.

Preimplantation genetic testing can help to detect and address chromosomal translocation through IVF and donor sperm or eggs. Progesterone supplements are used to address endometrial factors. Fertility doctors also use thrombophilia profile evaluations to detect and address clotting factors. Other treatment options include antibiotics and antivirals for sexually transmitted infections and anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation. A test for markers like BCL-6, CD 138, and progesterone resistance can help explain other conditions.

Address Recurring Pregnancy Loss and IVF Failure 

Recurring pregnancy loss can be treatable once your doctor identifies the underlying cause. If they are unable to explain your condition, test for markers of endometriosis, progesterone resistance, and other causes of unexplained infertility and miscarriages. Get tested today to learn more about solutions to unexplained pregnancy loss.

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